ABC AI Tech Report Cover

The Construction Technology and Innovation Committee Launches ABC’s AI Tech Report!

The Construction Technology and Innovation committee supports the ABC strategic goal of delivering technology thought leadership and value to a diverse and committed membership. The committee is directed to understand member needs for technology solutions, so that it can deploy the best resources possible to support the innovative needs of ABC’s members. The committee approves Tech Alliance membership, reviews Tech Marketplace requests and provides educational and informative resources for ABC members on technology.



The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence represents a new technological paradigm for the construction industry, with global leading solutions and companies in construction focused on helping the people who build our infrastructure.

The last three tech reports have focused on construction-specific technologies, along with the adoption and achievement of ROI with innovative solutions. This year, because of the mass interest and thirst to

understand how AI will affect contractors of all sizes, we have created a report to explain how this technology is used by stakeholders in the construction industry. AI is going to have an enormous impact on how businesses attract and educate their top talent and win and deliver their work safely, ethically and profitably for the betterment of the communities in which they work. We hope that this report will sharpen that focus for ABC members.

Matt Abeles, Vice President, Construction Technology and Innovation, Associated Builders and Contractors


 The construction industry is constantly evolving as we strive to deliver successful projects that benefit our customers and fulfill the ambitions of all our industry professionals. Advancements in construction come in various forms, ranging from improvements in tools, materials and equipment to innovations in building techniques and technologies. Keeping pace with these developments can be challenging, but it is essential for personal growth, business enhancement and, ultimately, better project delivery.

To fully leverage these opportunities for improvement, we must remain engaged and surround ourselves with people and experiences that encourage learning and growth. By doing so, we can pass this knowledge forward, benefiting the industry as a whole.

This year’s tech report provides an invaluable opportunity to explore how artificial intelligence is set to make a significant impact on construction. As our understanding of AI deepens and its applications become clearer, it will be crucial to learn the pros and cons, identify best practices and be aware of the risks involved to ensure AI becomes a tool that works for everyone.

In this tech report, we hear from experts with hands-on experience in AI for planning, development and execution within the construction sector. The ABC Tech and Innovation Committee hopes that this report enriches your understanding of AI technology, benefiting you, your company and those you serve. Thank you for reading the ABC AI Tech Report.

Patrick Irwin, Chief Operating Officer/Executive Vice President, Leonard S. Fiore Inc., and 2024 Chair of the ABC Construction Technology and Innovation Committee

2021 Tech Report Cover



Cover ABC AI Tech Report